the Iowa caucus

The Iowa Democratic Party proposed a "virtual caucus alongside the regular February caucus.
2. Why has the Democratic National Committee decided to recommend rejecting these plans?
A "virtual caucus" or using a phone system to tele-caucus the event would be more susceptible to hackers and online interference.
3. Why had the Iowa Democratic Party recommended these changes?
The DNC had instructed that Iowa and Nevada made it more accessible to everyone. So, naturally, they assumed online would reach everyone.
4. Why is it so important that Iowa is the first contest? How do they influence the nomination process?
Iowa is the first state to vote in primaries. They don't determine who will be President, but they do determine who won't be. If the Iowa caucus shows who is currently winning, it determines who the media follows and who switches candidates.
5. Why are caucuses controversial as a nomination process?
Caucuses are long, complicated meeting where people put themselves in groups based on who they support. they take hours and exclude the people with disabilities elderly needs, child needs, or just straight up have a job.
6. What is the problem with more people participating in the caucus process in recent elections?
It gets harder and harder for the caucus to stay in control and orderly when you have thousands of people showing up. they already took hours with 50-100 people, no telling how long and complicated with 5,000.
7. Why are many arguing that this new
form caucus could be manipulated?
The age of hackers has never been stronger, and with technology (fear of other country intrusion, brought up in the 2016 election) people are wary of the online platform. it was also tested and proven to be pretty easy to hack.
8. What would be the problem with Iowa changing to a primary?
8. What would be the problem with Iowa changing to a primary?
First of all, Iowa loves it's status as first in the nation with their caucus, but also they can't change their primary to be before New Hampshire due to some law that grants NH the ability to leapfrog to stay first; with the caucus, Iowa can go at any time.
9. How does New Hampshire ensure that it is the first primary?
According to Section 653:9, New Hampshire remains first with the primary by being able to skip ahead of anyone who tries to schedule one before NH. This power was granted to Seceratary of State, Bill Gardener.
I had two questions left and I waited until after the football game to do them. I regret nothing 7-13, Spartans win!!! FORK A BROTHER!!!