Trump's been getting' er done
1. In changing environmental policy, how much bureaucratic regulation has the Trump Administration reduced?
It has been reported by the NY Times that 53 environmental regulations have been rolled back and 32 are in the process
2. How has the Trump Administration changed America's approach to resource extraction?
Trump has been boosting the extraction of resources, statistically coal which has been stabilizing and rising slightly in these past years.
3. What changes has the Trump Administration made to the Medicaid program?
Trump has taken measures to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act and also has allowed states to set work requirements on Medicaid which caused 20,000 people to lose jobs in AR.
4. What has been the result of these changes?
20,000 people lost jobs in Arkansas, and uninsurance rates have steadily risen.
5. What policy changed has caused the biggest changes in the federal deficit?
Massive cuts to the safety net (while corporate tax revenue fell bc there wasn't economic growth) have caused a big change in the federal deficit.
6. How has the Securities and Exchange Commission changed its enforcement of regulations about the stock market?
The SEC has brought 40% fewer regulatory actions against the wrong-doings of banks and companies.
7. What impact have Trump's policies had on the banking industry?
8. What are three actions Trump has taken to change immigration enforcement?
9. What impact have Trump's policy changes had on refugee resettlement in America?
Trump has cut refugee resettlements by 80% and is trying to get spouses stripped of work permits.
10. How do Trump's appointments to Circuit Courts compare to Obama's time in office?
Trump has appointed 46 Circuit Court judges in his three years, while Obama only appointed 55 in his eight years.
It has been reported by the NY Times that 53 environmental regulations have been rolled back and 32 are in the process
2. How has the Trump Administration changed America's approach to resource extraction?
Trump has been boosting the extraction of resources, statistically coal which has been stabilizing and rising slightly in these past years.

Trump has taken measures to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act and also has allowed states to set work requirements on Medicaid which caused 20,000 people to lose jobs in AR.
4. What has been the result of these changes?
20,000 people lost jobs in Arkansas, and uninsurance rates have steadily risen.
5. What policy changed has caused the biggest changes in the federal deficit?
Massive cuts to the safety net (while corporate tax revenue fell bc there wasn't economic growth) have caused a big change in the federal deficit.
6. How has the Securities and Exchange Commission changed its enforcement of regulations about the stock market?
The SEC has brought 40% fewer regulatory actions against the wrong-doings of banks and companies.

Trump's policies have taken little to no action against quelling Wall Street which has increased the riskiness of the banking system.
Trump has been in the process of cancelling DACA, he has made so many impediments get in the way of asylum seekers, and cut refugee resettlements.
9. What impact have Trump's policy changes had on refugee resettlement in America?
Trump has cut refugee resettlements by 80% and is trying to get spouses stripped of work permits.
10. How do Trump's appointments to Circuit Courts compare to Obama's time in office?
Trump has appointed 46 Circuit Court judges in his three years, while Obama only appointed 55 in his eight years.
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