didn't we already do an Iowa caucus blog?????
The dinner is a part fundraiser, part campaign event. It is a great way to do any last minute pushing of your ideals, or instilling your views on the undecided voters.
2. What percentage of voters still consider themselves undecided? What percentage of voters are currently certain of their choice in candidates?
Undecided- 29%
Certain- 20%
3. Which candidates are seeing an increase in support? Which candidates are seeing a decrease in support?
Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Buttigieg have seen a recent uptake in votes, while former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders have seen a decrease in support.
4. What message does Pete Buttigieg use to try to stand out to voters?
Buttigieg runs on the idea that we're not in a fight, we're not "fighting Trump," he's focusing on peace. "If talking about hope and belonging sounds optimistic to you for a time like this, fine,” Buttigieg said, according to the Des Moines Register. “Call it optimistic, but do not call it naïve. Because I believe these things — not based on my age, but based on my experience.”
She's here to to fight for the working class and the people that get neglected, she's not afraid to fight Trump because she believes she will win. "I’m running a campaign based on a lifetime of fighting for working families. I’m running a campaign from the heart” Warren said.
6. What does Bernie Sanders do differently than all of the other Democratic candidates?
He did not buy any seating for his supporters but instead hosted a watch party for them, and donated the $20,000 in ticket fees to the Iowa Democratic Party.
(boy, someone sure is excited for the CAUCus) The current caucus is set for February 3rd.
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